Virtual Classroom Resources Malaysia

[Cre8tive Now Customer Success Story] | Virtual Classroom Resources Malaysia

We are collaborating with Virtual Classroom Resources Malaysia to release a website that could help teacher, students and parents. Since the Movement Control Order, our schools has been closing down and our education platform started to move toward remote learning. Teachers force to learn technology like Google Classroom, Meet to cope with students. In addition, the teachers will need to think of ways to create online content and videos for students to refer and learn from their home. How about those teachers who have limited resources to create these content? Or students or parents who doesn't  know where to find learning material in the world of digital?

Website is a HIT!

Yes, Creative Now with Virtual Classroom Resources Malaysia comes into play. This website allow teachers to share resources with each other more efficiently due to Facebook group or WhatsApp group having limited function on categorizing the shared information. Moreover, students and parents could take advantage on this website to get learning material to learn on their own as well.
This website is a hit since launching of this website on 27 April 2020. This website garners 10,000 users per week since the launch of website although the content of this website is still not  yet complete. We hope this could further benefits more to the community and more content will be added soon!

The website is develop on Google Sites platform and this shows how powerful is Google Sites - a no-code website building platform that is able to suit most of the website needs with easy maintenance and FREE to use!

Virtual Classroom Resources Malaysia

*We are still constantly looking to sell the advertising slot of this website to those who are interested. We hope to get some source of fund to make this project self-sustainable.