BSS Success Solution

[Cre8tive Now Customer Success Story] | BSS Success Solution

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BSS Success Solution Sdn. Bhd. is a company in Malaysia providing Financial advisory and consultancy services to customer. The company has 4 branches in Penang, Sungai Petani, Kuala Lumpur, and Johor Bahru that serve their customers nationwide.

Due to huge customer base while working in silos among all the different departments without any work automation, Cre8tive Now identifies few improvement projects to improvise their work efficiency.

The first step to protect company data by migrating all the Gmail account to GSuite so that all the data will be protected and secured. We provided full service to BSS Success from signing up GSuite and domain name to migration services.

After understanding their company's business process, we developed a database using Google Sheet to store their customer details. We further improvise their work efficiency by developing automation for BSS Success by automating their case assignment via Web App, Google Sheet, Google Sheet Add-On and also WhatsApp notification. 

Video of Web App case assignment system

After that, we continue to develop another automation part using Google Sheet and Google App Script whereby the assigned case will be written to all the individual sheet of the employees so that they could their own follow-up without interfering updates from other employees and also due to privacy/confidential concern between employees. The automation will also auto update the details from individual sheets back to the database. Moreover, we have added Web App, Google Sheet Add-On access to further helps employees to have better UI (User Interface) to manage their cases, updates. Additional features such as Create Calendar, Add Contact, WhatsApp, Email with just a click is added to to the UI.

Video of Web App case update system

With all the Transformation Projects implemented, we increase their work efficiency by 50%, allowing the employee to concentrate on the most important stuff of the company - SALES. They no longer need to type the message in WhatsApp or add the contact/calendar to mobile phone manually which these automation really helps them in their work.

We also converted their Leave Management System from WhatsApp to Web App to include approval system, automated assignment to Google Calendar: 

BSS Success Solution

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